The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC was inaugurated in 1870 in a temporary building, thanks to the will and with the gifts of several philanthropists, with this they gather the most complete possible collection, telling the History of Art from the origins to the contemporary time, just like the Louvres or the British Museum. More than three million Art objects, magnificently organized, distributed in nearly three hundred rooms: the richness es of this Museum is awesome, it would take several months to discover in depths these immeasurable galleries! Better is thus worth well to aim what you come to see, under what you can be lost in this museum immensity! Don't forget to pass by The Metropolitan Museum of Art Shop - Metropolitan Museum Gift Shop You'll finds there many reproductions and objects produced by the Museum, as well as an impressive collection of publications.
Tags: metropolitan museum of art shop, metropolitan museum of art gift shop, met museum store, metropolitan museum gift shop, metropolitan museum of art new york city, met museum, metropolitan museum of art
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